Creating new family homes in Hambleton, Selby
We want to share with you our plans for a development of up to 65 dwellings on a 2.6 hectare site to the east of Hambleton. Our proposals look to bring forward a high quality and attractive addition to the village of Hambleton. The site is identified as a draft housing allocation in the emerging Selby Local Plan. Our proposals look to bring forward a high quality and attractive addition to the village of Hambleton, east of Garforth Lane. Banks Property plan to bring a mix of sustainable two, three, four and five bedroomed homes including some bungalows and affordable housing.
Our planning application to develop land to build 65 new homes was validated by North Yorkshire Council in October 2023. The reference is ZG2023/1033/FULM and you can register your support on the North Yorkshire Council planning portal here or by using the form below.
Project data
- Location: Selby, east of Gateforth Lane
- Local authority: North Yorkshire Council
- Size: 2.6 hectares
- Contact: hambleton@banksgroup.co.uk
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Key project facts
- Provision of a range of high quality, well-designed house types to meet local need
- Delivery of up to 65 energy efficient new homes with a good sustainability rating
- Provision of bungalows
- Provision of 10% affordable housing
Why Hambleton?
- There is a national and local shortage of housing. New housing sites are needed to provide new homes in the local area
- The site is identified as a proposed housing allocation in the emerging Selby Local Plan site ref: HAMB-N, land east of Garforth Lane
- The number of nearby services and amenities in addition to the ease of access to the larger town centres via public transport makes the Hambleton site a sustainable location
- Allows local people opportunities to stay in the village through the provision of affordable homes
- New residents will help support local shops and community services

We believe that the communities that host our projects should share the benefits. The Hambleton development would bring a wide range of social, environmental and economic benefits (see below).
Draft masterplan
Following initial assessments that have been undertaken, a draft site layout has been developed. The site layout will be developed further following feedback from our community consultations and once further assessment work has been completed.