Plans for a new residential development in a North Yorkshire village are set to be revealed.
Regional housebuilder Banks Homes is preparing proposals for the development of a site to the east of Gateforth Lane in Hambleton, which has been identified as a proposed housing allocation in the emerging Selby Local Plan.
The development would include up to 65 high-quality private and affordable homes of different sizes and types, including bungalows, and would see an electric vehicle charging point installed at every new home.
New wildlife habitats would be created around the development to encourage and enhance local biodiversity, along with areas of public open space.
Hambleton is the first site in Yorkshire to be brought forward by Banks Homes, which was launched earlier this year by family-owned property and renewable energy company the Banks Group and is now focusing on sites of all sizes across Yorkshire and North East England.
Banks Homes operates independently, but alongside, Banks’ existing property development arm, Banks Property, which has previously delivered successful property schemes in a range of locations across Yorkshire, including in Harrogate, Sheffield and Leeds.
Banks Homes will stage an appointment-only surgery between 2pm and 7pm on Monday 4 September to introduce its plans to the local community and provide opportunities for residents and businesses to ask any questions and share their views about the proposals, with their feedback being considered in the final planning application.
The appointment-only event will take place at the Owl Hotel on Main Road in Hambleton, with a planning application then expected to be finalised and submitted to North Yorkshire Council in the following weeks.

“This site has been identified as suitable for housing in the emerging Selby Local Plan, and we feel it is an ideal location for the high-quality development that we’re proposing to deliver.”
If it goes ahead, more than 30 jobs would be directly supported during the Hambleton development’s construction, with a further 45 jobs indirectly supported by the project.
A range of contract opportunities would also be made available to businesses in the surrounding area in line with Banks’ longstanding policy of using local suppliers wherever possible.
Banks Property is currently progressing plans for a new sustainable extension to the village of Eggborough in North Yorkshire, which would include up to 1,500 energy efficient properties of all types, while it recently announced a local consultation on a proposed development of up to 260 new homes at Hemsworth near Wakefield.
Kate Culverhouse, community relations manager at the Banks Group, says: “There is a clear and increasingly pressing need across the UK to increase the available supply of quality homes.
“This site has been identified as suitable for housing in the emerging Selby Local Plan, and we feel it is an ideal location for the high-quality development that we’re proposing to deliver.
“The number of nearby services and amenities and the ease of access to larger town centres via public transport makes it a sustainable location, while the provision of affordable homes will give more local people and families a greater opportunity to stay in the village.
“Our 4 September surgery will enable local people and businesses to find out more about the work we’re looking to undertake, and to put ideas and questions forward which will help to inform the planning application that we’ll submit to North Yorkshire Council for review.”
For further information on Banks Homes’ Hambleton proposals, to make an appointment for the 4 September surgery event or to find out more about the plans and provide feedback on them, please visit www.banksgroup.co.uk/hambleton
To contact the project team, please email hambleton@banksgroup.co.uk