Here you will find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions surrounding our Hambleton proposals. If you still have questions you can get in touch via hambleton@banksgroup.co.uk or our feedback form.
Why has Hambleton been chosen as a site for development?
Hambleton is a draft housing allocation in the emerging Selby Local Plan. It is a sustainable site for housing development due to its proximity to key services and amenities. It is close to schools, the village centre and well placed to access local towns. Housing developments are a key driver for local economic growth, which North Yorkshire County Council are actively trying to pursue.
How many houses will be built on the site and what will the mix of properties be?
Our plans would include up to 65 quality, family homes. There will be a mix of two, three, four and five bedroomed homes including some bungalows and affordable homes.
How will the development impact the local infrastructure, such as roads?
The new access into the site will displace some school time verge parking. The layout of the development allows for this parking within the entrance to the development without impacting on new residents.
What are the potential social and economic benefits of the development for the local area?
Social and economic benefits could include:
- Additional spend in the local economy from new residents, supporting local businesses, schools and facilities.
- The opportunity to remain in the locality as shortage of homes often means moving further away than everyone wants.
- Creation of both direct and indirect construction jobs during the construction phase.
- Increased annual council tax revenue and parish council precept to spend on local amenities.
- Local children able to attend the local school, by foot.
How will you ensure that wildlife and their habitats are protected if the site is developed?
Landscape and Ecology consultants have assessed the site to shape and influence the design of the indicative masterplan. Careful consideration has been given to mitigate against the loss of wildlife and habitats by maintaining landscape buffers to the boundary of the site.
How will traffic in my area be affected during the construction of Hambleton?
If the application were successful, a detailed construction management plan will be put in place to safely and effectively deal with operations during the construction period, including HGV traffic movements relating to the site’s development. The Construction Traffic Management Plan would be approved by the Council before work started on site.
Will the proposed new homes be sustainable in terms of their energy usage and carbon emissions?
All homes would be fitted with electric vehicle charge points, and the scheme would be served by a sustainable surface water drainage system. This holds back water within basins and drainage ditches within the site and slowly releases this to the water course to prevent flooding downstream or on the site itself.
All homes would be constructed to the sustainable requirements set out in building regulations and further sustainable construction techniques and the use of sustainable materials will be considered at the detailed application stage.
Will there be any contributions to local infrastructure or services, such as schools or healthcare facilities?
Any requirements for contributions will be determined by North Yorkshire Council. As part of our planning application process, we have commissioned an independent Socio-Economic Assessment to establish how local services may be affected so this can be considered in our planning application.
Will there be any affordable housing on the site?
There would be around 10% affordable homes on the development, providing opportunities for more people to enjoy living in Hambleton.