Location: About one mile west of Durham City centre
Local authority: Durham County Council
Postcode of nearby property: DH1 4FB
Size: c10 hectares (c25 acres)
Site status: Completed

Project description
This was flagship re-development of a further education college. The project involved the demolition and clearance of redundant buildings, the refurbishment and conversion of two historic and grandiose buildings and the planning and building of high end homes in the grounds. Planning permission was given for its plan for high quality residential development in 2002. The land and buildings were then sold to Avant Homes (then known as Bett Homes), Barratt plc and Crosby Homes, who built out the high quality homes in the plan. The site is now an established high quality residential estate.

The site was formerly used as a further education college – New College Durham – specialising in teacher training. The college buildings were situated in mature and extensive grounds.

Economic benefits
There were local construction employment opportunities throughout the construction phases.

Social benefits
As well as much needed housing this project brought historic buildings up to date and allowed the public to access new open spaces.

Environmental benefits
These include the creation of new public open spaces, the planting of new trees and many new footpaths throughout the site. As part of gaining planning permission, Banks Property also secured a licence in 2005 to remove bats from part of one of the buildings on the site and created a bespoke bat habitat.