0191 378 6100


Here you will find the answers to some of the frequently asked questions surrounding our Hollins Bank proposals. If you still have questions you can get in touch via hollinsbank@banksgroup.co.uk or our feedback form.

Why has Hollins Bank been chosen as a site for development?

Hollins Bank is a housing allocation in the Wakefield District Local Plan. It is a sustainable site for housing development due to its proximity to key services and amenities. It is close to schools, shops, a railway station and town centre. Housing developments are a key driver for economic growth, which Wakefield Council is actively trying to pursue.

How many houses will be built on the site and what will the mix of properties be?

Our plans would include up to 260 high quality, family homes. The type of housing will be determined during the reserved matters planning application.

How will the development impact local infrastructure, such as roads?

The site will be accessed from a singular point off B6273 Wakefield Road. We are proposing improvements to parts of the Hemsworth town centre junction (Station Road/B6273). New road markings and signal work will improve the operation off the junction.

Are there plans for pedestrian and cycle paths to encourage alternative transportation?

Yes- both pedestrian and cycle routes will be provided and improved.

What will be done to mitigate potential noise and traffic disruptions during construction?

A construction management plan will be submitted by the housebuilder, as part of the reserved matters application. This will need to be approved by Wakefield Council and will limit the time that construction takes place.

More housing will affect waiting times at GPs and dentists, schools and the removal of green spaces in the local area. What are you doing to help with this?

As part of the Hollins Bank development, we will work with the local planning authority to assess if any planning contributions might be required to address additional local services that may be needed as part of our proposals.

What are the potential economic benefits of the development for the local area?

Economic benefits could include:

  • Additional spend in the local economy from new residents.
  • Creation of both direct and indirect construction jobs.
  • Increased annual tax revenue.

How will you ensure that wildlife and their habitats are protected if the site is developed?

Landscape and ecology reports have been prepared to shape and influence the design of the indicative masterplan with careful consideration being given to mitigate against the loss of wildlife and habitats by maintaining landscape buffers to the boundary of the site.

How could traffic in my area be affected if construction were to take place?

Inevitably with construction work there will be an addition to traffic due to the construction vehicles. However, disruption will be kept to a minimum.

If the application were successful, a detailed construction management plan will be put in place to safely and effectively deal with operations during the construction period, including HGV traffic movements relating to the sites development.

Will the proposed new homes be sustainable in terms of their energy usage and carbon emissions?

All homes would be fitted with electric vehicle charging points, and the scheme would be served by a sustainable surface water drainage system. This holds back water within basins and drainage ditches within the site and slowly releases this to the water course to prevent flooding downstream or on the site itself.

Infrastructure would also be put in place, promoting cycling and walking both within the development, towards the parks to the north of the site and towards the town centre.

All homes would be constructed to the sustainable requirements set out in building regulations, this could include the use of new renewable technologies for heating rather than gas boilers. Other sustainable construction techniques and the use of sustainable materials will also be considered at the detailed application stage.

Want to talk to us about any of our developments?
Contact us now on 0191 378 6100 or email us

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