As part of all our developments, a host of community benefits are provided which enhance the area for new residents, as well as the existing community.
Kingston Village will deliver a whole host of positive social, economic and environmental benefits, a list of which can be found below.
- 900 much needed homes in Newcastle
- 85% Family homes
- 135 Affordable homes
- 15 Bungalows
- 420 Primary school places
- 100 Allotment plots
- 13 hectares New open space and green infrastructure equiv. Over 18 St James’ Park football pitches *
- Over 500m New footway/cycleway along Brunton Lane
- 2km Trim trail (almost 16 times across the Millennium Bridge)
- 5,600m Hedgerows (newly planted and retained)
- Frequent bus service to Kingston Park Metro and City Centre
- 900 Electric Vehicle Charging points across the site
- 2 Retail units i.e. café and local shop
- Over £900k Contribution towards six offsite junction improvements
- £1.35m New homes bonus per year for first six years
- £1.42m Additional council tax every year
- £138m Investment during construction
- 102 Jobs on site every year across the 13-year build period
- 257 Indirect jobs per year in the construction supply chain