Hedgerows (newly planted and retained)
Kingston Village
We’re delighted that Newcastle City Council planning committee has backed plans to realise our vision to create an outstanding, vibrant community to north of Kingston Park and west of Brunton Lane at Kingston Village after plans were recommended for approval on 23rd February 2023 by the city council’s planning officers. This outstanding site will see the creation of around 900 sustainable family homes including 135 affordable homes brining a series of benefits to new and existing communities including:
- An investment of around £178m in the North East economy
- A new primary school, local shop and café
- Allotments, a village green & public open space
- A network of public footpaths and cycle ways
- Improvements to the local road network and public transport links including frequent bus service to Kingston Park Metro and city centre
- New wildlife habitats will also be made
- Creation of a village centre and green
- Contributions to highway improvements, public transport, secondary schools and affordable housing
Key project benefits
Kingston Village will deliver a whole host of positive social, economic and environmental benefits including:
Much needed homes in Newcastle
Family homes
Affordable homes
Primary school places
Allotment plots
New open space and green infrastructure
New footway/cycleway along Brunton Lane
Our proposals
The Kingston Village proposal, which is in the west of Newcastle, was allocated in the Newcastle Gateshead One Core Strategy, as a suitable location for housing.
Our vision for the site is to create a sustainable, high quality community that provides a range of much needed homes; green space for local people and local wildlife; and facilities including shops and a school. The site will deliver a mix of house types, sizes and tenures to meet the needs of local families in Newcastle and provide significant social, environmental and economic benefits for both new and existing residents.
A planning application was submitted to Newcastle City Council for 900 homes in April 2019 and the application was granted in February 2023.
Project benefits continued
Electric vehicle charging points across the site
Contribution towards offsite junction improvements
Investment during construction
Jobs on site every year across the 13-year build period
Indirect jobs per year in the construction supply chain
Trim trail
New homes bonus per year for first six years
Additional council tax every year
Inkerman House, St John’s Road, Meadowfield, Durham, DH7 8XL