Why should our community support this development?+
Our proposals support the recognised need for new family homes in the area. It also offers the opportunity to deliver new benefits for your local community, local economy, and local environment.
Is this development part of a wider masterplan?+
The Killingworth site was allocated in the North Tyneside Local Plan for approximately 2,000 new homes in 2015. Since this time, we have been working with the council to bring forward a comprehensive scheme which would not only deliver much needed new homes, but also the necessary infrastructure required to support it. The site has an adopted masterplan which the developers and council worked on and this was approved in 2017.
How many jobs will be created if this development is approved?+
We estimate that there will be approximately 117 direct on site and up to 167 indirect jobs during the 7 year construction period.
One of the main access routes is off Great Lime Road, which, is already struggling with current traffic. What is your plan to mitigate this?+
The phase 1 scheme and our more recent phase 2 proposals must mitigate the impact of development on the road network. A transport assessment has been undertaken and forms part of the planning application that is considered by the Local Planning Authority. This tests the road network and identifies the mitigation required which is then secured through the planning process. Mitigation can be in the form of physical works to the roads or contributions to wider improvement schemes.
Since your recent approval of Phase 1 by North Tyneside Council, when do you think building will start?+
The site will be getting built out by Bellway and we expect them to start works in Spring/Summer 24. They should start advertising house types in the coming months.
How many houses will you be building in Phase 2?+
There will be up to 455 new homes built in Phase 2.
What will the housing mix be in Phase 2?+
Our Phase 2 application is currently only outline and therefore further detail will follow once planning permission is received for the current outline application. Whilst we have an idea of housing mix this could change depending on market demand and which housebuilder builds out the site. This will be agreed with the council during the reserved matters planning application stage.
When do you expect to build the new road system?+
The spine road and improvements to Great Lime Road junction will begin as soon as Bellway are on site. They estimate a construction period of 18-24 months, but this is just an estimate. Bellway hope to be on site as soon as possible, likely end of Spring/ early Summer this year. The spine road will be constructed as per the phase 1 plans to serve phase 1. It will then be extended by the phase 2 application (if approved) to lead up into Phase 2 South.
How do you propose to mitigate congestion through Village Close?+
Village Close will serve a number of new homes and is designed and constructed to the specification of the council. Before construction starts, a planning condition requires a “construction method statement” for the duration of the construction period associated within phase 1 and is to be submitted and approved by the council. Bellway will deliver houses through both their Bellway brand an Ashbury brand and they will be preparing a detailed construction method statement in the near near future which will be reviewed by the council.
The sites shown as being for retail, educational, and employment uses lie beyond the red line site boundary for Phase 2. Why are you not making a provision for these things within the red line boundary?+
During the consideration for our phase 2 south application we will be liaising with the council to determine what financial contributions are required towards the schools, in a similar way to our phase 1 south application. We would expect the council to put in place conditions and obligations which would ensure that a school can and will get built in a timely manner. It will be a requirement of the planning permission to make sure necessary infrastructure required for the phase 2 development is funded and can be delivered in order to make the development acceptable in planning terms.
You are hoping to build nearly 1,000 new homes in our community. Shouldn’t you be building a new primary and secondary school?+
It is understood that the primary school will be required early on in the phase 2 development. This will be reviewed during the consideration of the phase 2 applications where existing school places and birth rates will be reviewed by the council. Phase 1 does not require the development of the primary school, but a contribution of £932,250 will be provided towards school places- this will be used by the council to either create new places in existing primary schools or be put towards the new primary school in phase 2 (depending on the timing of phase 2 coming forward). Whilst we work closely with the council regarding the need for new school places, the council review this annually and it is within their control to determine when schools will be delivered/required.
Will this application also be a joint application with a house builder? Or are you planning to build out this development with Banks Homes?+
We do not currently have a housebuilder on board. Once we have outline planning permission we will go out to the market to find a housebuilder. It may or may not be Banks Homes.