0191 378 6100


How will the development benefit the local economy?+

An independent Economic Impact Assessment has been undertaken and concludes that the development will make a valuable contribution to the North Yorkshire economy through direct and indirect employment during the construction phase and once built, through operational direct employment from the local centre and primary school.  The development will also positively contribute to the local economy from residents’ expenditure, the new homes bonus payment, council tax and business rate revenues.

Is there capacity in terms of utilities provision for services including water and sewage to serve this development?+

The relevant service provider will carry out an assessment of their infrastrcture, this will identify available capacity and any local upgrades required. Any local upgrades necessary will be completed prior to the site construction.

How will the development be accessed on Kellington Lane? +

Access from Kellington Lane will be via a T Junction. This can be viewed on the masterplan on the webpage.

Will there only be one junction to access the new development?+

Three points of vehicular access are proposed. Two separate access junctions to serve the proposed development from A645 Weeland Road, including a three-arm roundabout and a separate T-junction. A site access will also be provided from Kellington Lane taking the form of a T-junction.

We have concerns of the increased volume of traffic on Kellington Lane and people parking on the road during the school runs. How will the increase in cars traffic be managed?+

The transport assessment submitted with the application assessed the traffic as a result of development during construction and in future years. Whilst there will be more traffic in the area because of the development, all junctions on the local road network and the proposed site access have been assessed with all junctions predicted to operate within capacity.

Will your development increase flooding due to you removing the natural soak?+

The Eggborough scheme will limit surface water flows at greenfield rates before flowing away from the site. Any flood flows will be controlled on site within a series of pond and ditches. This will make sure the flood risk for the site is unaffected. The scheme’s drainage proposals (Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy) have been submitted within the application to be approved by the Local Lead Flood Authority (LLFA).

The effective management of water courses and flooding risk is central to the development of all property development proposals and, as such, has been a core part of our work on the Eggborough West planning application.

Our comprehensive flood risk assessment and drainage strategy for this project has been designed in accordance with the Environment Agency’s current, industry-standard flood maps, which are produced through a combination of national modelling and detailed local modelling, and which take matters relating to climate change fully into account within their regular updates.

This document will be assessed in detail by both the Environment Agency and North Yorkshire Council as part of the wider planning process.

We currently have issues with waste water and during heavy rain, the system can get backed up. What will you do to combat this?+

Yorkshire Water will carry out an assessment of their infrastructure, this will identify available capacity and any local upgrades required. Any local upgrades necessary will be completed prior to the site build out / occupation. This process may improve the current sewer flooding issues within Eggborough centre.

Can the current infrastructure cope with 1500 new homes, 3000 new cars and possibly 6000 new people? +

A number of technical studies have been undertaken including a transport assessment, drainage assessment, education assessment and the current infrastructure can cope or will be upgraded if necessary.

Why should our community support this development?+

If our Eggborough West site is approved, it will deliver a range of social, economic and environmental benefits for the community. Including local jobs, improvements to the rail and bus connectivity in Eggborough and enhanced wildlife habitats.

How are you going to improve our bus and train services? The roads are already busy around here due to the M62 and A19. Will you be building more roads to cope with the increased number of cars?+

The development will be making a financial contribution to enhance the frequency of the local bus service. Whilst there will be more traffic in the area because of the development, all junctions on the local road network and the proposed site access have been assessed with all junctions predicted to operate within capacity.

How do you plan to improve rail services from Whitley Bridge station?+

Banks has engaged with North Yorkshire Council with regards to increasing the frequency of passenger rail services as it has an area wide strategic benefit. Banks outline planning proposals for Eggborough will make a contribution to North Yorkshire Council to facilitate the provision of improved transport services for people travelling in and out of Eggborough in the future.

Why has Eggborough been chosen as a site for development?+

The site is allocated for mixed use development comprising housing, open space and education in the emerging Selby Local Plan. The site is in a sustainable location and provides a unique opportunity for a high quality new housing development close to new employment growth.

Has this particular site been allocated in the North Yorkshire local plan?+

The site is identified in the emerging Selby Local Plan as a proposed allocation for mixed use development comprising residential, open space and education with an indicative capacity of 1,500 dwellings which covers the period up to 2040. It is anticipated that the local plan will progress towards adoption in 2025. Following local government reorganisation, seven former districts have been combined into North Yorkshire Council which was formed on 1 April 2023. A new local plan for North Yorkshire will be prepared in due course.

You’ve mentioned a primary school but there is no detailed information with regards to this in your planning application. Does that mean that it’s not something you will follow through with?+

This planning application seeks outline permission for up to 1,430 dwellings, extra-care facility, local centre, primary school and associated infrastructure and landscaping. The location of a new two form primary school is shown on the High Level and Illustrative Masterplans as part of the local centre on the eastern part of the site.   The application only seeks detailed approval for three vehicular points of access. All matters relating to the detailed design, parking and landscaping and the delivery of the school will be discussed with NYC Education Authority during the consideration of the outline planning application.

There is currently very limited opening hours at our local post office. How will local services like this sustain 1500 new households?+

New housing and new residents’ expenditure will help to support the viability and vitality of businesses in the local economy.

How many jobs will be created if this development is approved?+

An estimated 295 direct and 370 indirect jobs will be created during the construction period. Once fully developed and operational, the employment uses within the proposed development are expected to create between 89 and 98 direct FTE jobs.

You are now a house builder. Does that mean you will be building Banks Homes on site if permission is granted? +

If planning approval is granted, discussions will take place regarding detailed housing layouts and house types in different parts of the site. We would anticipate a range of housebuilders on the site adding variety and different types of housing to meet all needs. It is not known at this stage whether Banks Homes will be constructing any of the homes.

Will you be delivering affordable housing?+

Affordable housing will be delivered in accordance with North Yorkshire Council’s policy.

Will there be an option for shared ownership?+

The tenure of affordable housing will be delivered in accordance with North Yorkshire Councils policy.

What housing mix will be delivered?+

The type of housing will be determined during the reserved matters planning application, but will likely comprise a mix of one, two, three, four and five bedroom houses to provide a range for families and individuals. An extra-care facility is also included within our proposals.

What new habitats will be created as part of this development?+

The site is currently intensively farmed. The parts of the site with the most ecological value including the hedgerows and ditches will be retained wherever possible. Our development proposals seek to provide 14.48% of biodiversity net gain on site. New habitats proposed include species rich hedgerows, native woodland, native mixed scrub, attenuation ponds, native fruit trees, species-rich grassland, sandy grassland, managed grassland and scattered trees.

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